Want to get more involved with your Union? Why not run to be a class representative!

Nominations are opening Tuesday October 1st at 12pm and will close Friday October 4th at 12pm. Voting will open Monday October 7th at 12pm and close Wednesday October 9th at 12pm.

All class rep elections, aside from undergraduate first years, shall be taking place on canvas. There you will be provided a nominations form where you can fill in details on why you would like to run which shall be shared with other students on your course.

Being an academic class rep gives you the right to represent your class at Student Council and to your lecturers - enacting social, education & political change within our University and our Union!

More into the entertainments side of things? Don’t worry because you can also run to be an Ents Rep and be tasked with organising class parties, hoodies and generally creating space for the craic among your classmates, (and still having that all important vote at council of course!).

All representatives will receive class rep training. You will be eligible for class rep awards, and have access to limited pre-sale tickets to big SU events!

Swipe to learn more about the differences between Academic & Entertainments Reps and nominate yourself today.

Questions? Please contact Alison, your Education Officer at education@uccsu.ie or send us a DM!

Your Voice. Your Union.