For the first time ever, UCCSU will be running elections for postgraduate researcher (PGR) representatives! There will be a representative for every 20 PGRs in a research cohort and you can run to be either an academic PGR rep or an entertainment PGR rep!

Academic PGR Reps will represent fellow students within their research cohort on issues faced with areas such as demonstrating, desk spaces, stipends, and any other issues that may arise.

Entertainments PGR Reps will organise events for their cohort that ensure everyone is socially engaged organising nights out.

All representatives have voting rights at Student Council, where you can put forward motions and vote on mandates that direct the Students’ Union on issues you would like to see addressed. 5 Student Council Sessions will occur across the two semesters. PGR Clinics will occur before each Student Council as a discussion forum on problems different representatives are facing, identifying norms and working on motions that can be put forward.

All representatives will receive class rep training. You will be eligible for class rep awards, and have access to limited pre-sale tickets to big SU events!

Why not go for it? We will see you soon! DM us with any questions or contact