Your Union

How Your Union Works

UCC Students’ Union is the chief representative body for students in UCC. UCCSU is a democratic organisation run by 6 full time officers elected by the student body. The SU’s main functions are to provide academic assistance to students, to provide support to students in need, to lobby the University and the government on issues affecting students, and to provide entertainment on campus.

There are six officers working full time, the President, the Education Officer, the Welfare Officer, the Communications and Engagement Officer, the Commercial and Fundraising Officer and Entertainments Officer. Each of these officers has responsibility for their own brief and work to provide the best possible service and representation to students.

The SU is located at 54 College Road, just behind the O’Rahilly Building, next to the common room. The SU is established in accordance with the charter, statutes and regulations of the Governing Body of the college as the sole representative body for UCC students. Each student is automatically a member by virtue of a student levy.

The SU have a representative that sits on autonomous committees (Societies Guild Executive and the Clubs Executive) that oversee the running of nearly all of the extracurricular activities for students in UCC. The Student Council of the Union also acts as the Student Parliament for UCC, and represents students on a number of committees including UCC’s Governing Authority, Academic Council, and externally at national bodies such as the Union of Students’ in Ireland (USI).

View UCCSU Constitution >

UCCSU Executive

The UCCSU Executive is a team of elected officers dedicated to representing and advocating for the student body at University College Cork. Comprising various roles including the full times roles of President, Communications and Engagement Officer, Education Officer, Welfare Officer, Entertainments Officer, and Commercial and Fundraising Officer, this team works tirelessly to ensure student needs and interests are addressed. Their responsibilities span from academic support to welfare, and organizing campus entertainment, highlighting the diverse skill sets and commitment of each member to enhance student life at UCC.

Class Reps

Class reps are elected each year to represent your class and bring issues to the attention of lecturers. This year Class Reps and Ents Reps will be elected online through a Canvas module. If you have any queries please contact:

Education Officer:
Science Engineering & Food Science Representative:
Medicine & Health Representative:
Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Representative:
Business & Law Representative:

Equality Working Group

The UCC Students’ Union Equality Working Group have the responsibility to uphold and promote equality in the University.

The group is chaired by the Equality Representative and consists of 6 other reps that stand up for minority rights and equality in our union.

Equality Working Group Terms of Reference

Ents Crew

The Ents Crew are a team of people who help the Entertainments Officer and Union with events, gaining first-hand experience in event planning and helping with acts.

Not only do you gain invaluable experience and have a lot of fun doing it, but you also get benefits such as free merch and entry to events.

The Ents Officer will be opening applications and holding interviews for the Ents Crew in October.

You can also run to be your class Ents Rep! You can take this opportunity to represent your classmates and bring them innovative, diverse, interesting and of course, fun events. Elections will be held in your classes in September or October

If you have any questions, ideas or simply want a chat you can contact the Ents Officer by email (, phone (0861842701) or pop into the offices (54 college road).

Welfare Crew

Welfare Crew are a team of people that help with Welfare related events and campaigns throughout the year.

These events include Shag week, Mental Health Week etc.

If you have any queries please email

Campaigns Crew

Here in UCCSU we run campaigns to help students stay engaged and informed on as many issues as possible. The nature of campaigns varies massively from alcohol and drug awareness to sexual and mental health awareness to acccomodation and the rising cost of living. The Communications and Engagement officer is always open to new campaign ideas from the students of UCC. The more campaigns ran the better. Currently there is a UCCSU Campaigns Crew facebook page so we can start talking about campaign ideas. During semester 1 The Campaigns Crew Working group  will be decided via an application and interview process. The aim of the Campaigns Crew will be to better engagement amongst the student population and to generate fresh campaign ideas.

If you have any further queries please e-mail